Archive for August, 2013

The World Won’t Listen

Dylan - The World Won't Listen

At least that is how it often feels though more accurate would be the world does listen, agrees but doesn’t say or do anything. It will be a theme throughout my next few blogs. It amazes me sometimes that people don’t see that I couldn’t possibly access the information I have or know what I know without the tacit approval of many important people in the music industry. The idea that I’m some lone wolf railing against the music industry simply doesn’t add up. 

While I see the large numbers that read the blog it has only really hit home when putting faces to these people as they visit the shop many from all over the world. My intention was not to document what is actually happening to independent record stores outside of all the bullshit that prevails but just to say how it was for Avalanche and make it clear we were not alone. I won’t pretend it hasn’t made me more aware of what I say though it certainly won’t stop me from saying anything.

At a local level I also can’t pretend I’m not disappointed at some things that have been said especially as they often rely on me not repeating things I know and can show to be true. Neither would I start quoting others in my defence. I think recent events show how quickly things can get messy. Suffice to say no band or label is banned by Avalanche. Some choose to market and promote themselves in a way that contravenes our stocking policy but from my side there is certainly no hard feelings or ill will. You won’t find me criticising any band’s music simply the formats they choose or the way they choose to distribute them.  

So now the coffee shop is up and running and the Festival is finished there are big decisions to be made and things that need to be said if we are to continue. No need to panic !   

John Watts in-store for his The Last Picasso Festival show 1pm Thursday August 8th

Last Picasso




I’m a big Fischer Z / John Watts fan so when his daughter came in the shop and asked if she could put up a poster it went straight on the door. When she asked if he could play in the shop the answer was never in doubt.

I say in-store but as with Sunday’s gig it will be outside the shop good weather permitting.

Album Sales Over Year To Date by Format and Retailer Group

Album Sales Over Year To Date by Format

format pie chart

Format Units
Compact Disc 30,066,206
Digital Bundle 18,336,649
12 Inch Vinyl 395,905
7 Inch Vinyl 4,145
DVD Audio 386
DVD Video 15,582
BLU-RAY 7,771
Cassette 2,432
MiniDisc 127
DMD 409

Album Sales Over Year To Date by Retailer Group

retailer pie chart

Retailer_Group Units
Specialist (HMV, Amazon etc) 18,305,655
Supermarkets 10,640,713
Independents 1,546,596
Digital Web 18,287,708
Digital Mobile 48,941